CasaFan - Electrical insect traps

ELETTROINSETTICIDI 24 LECTRICAL INSECTS TRAPS with high voltage grid with adhesive paper with exhaust fan IS42

IL MECCANISMO D'AZIONE DEGLI ELETTROINSETTICIDI IMITA PERFETTAMENTE QUANTO AVVIENE IN NATURA L'uovo viene deposto dalla zanzara in un luogo umido e buio,dove puo' maturare al riparo ed al sicuro dal pericolo di disidratazione. Quando il piccolo insetto nasce, puo' uscire da questo ambiente solo in assenza di raggi solari, perche' questi, disidratandolo, ne provocherebbero la morte: quindi la natura lo ha programmato per sfarfallare solo di notte, quando gli unici raggi che possono guidarlo sono gli ultravioletti. Esperimenti hanno dimostrato che nella prima ora di vita un'altissima percentuale dei nuovi nati entra nelle trappole per mezzo del richiamo esercitato dagli ultravioletti, e dopo le prime due ore risulta catturata la quasi totalita' degli esemplari. Questa attrazione diminuisce con il procedere della maturazione dell'insetto, sino ad essere completamente nulla nel momento in cui la femmina deve formare le uova: in tale periodo, essa e' attratta principalmente dagli odori e dal calore emessi dai corpi di uomini e animali. Quando la femmina e' infine pronta alla deposizione, l'istinto la guida a cercare luoghi angusti, umidi e freschi, dove sa che le uova sono protette sia dai predatori sia dai raggi del sole, e si possano mantenere nelle migliori condizioni finoalla schiusa. E' quindi evidente che una campagna di disinfestazione efficace si puo' intraprendere solo all'inizio della primavera, per eliminare gli insetti man mano che nascono. Accendendo le trappole ad ultravioletti intorno al luogo da proteggere tutte le sere e spegnendole al mattino, si abbatte la popolazione dei giovani, che non potranno in seguito procreare. Il risultato di una corretta azione di bonifica sara' che in piena estate la popolazione di femmine adulte, assetate di sangue, risultera' inesistente oppure limitata agli esemplari provenienti da luoghi lontani e non disinfestati. COLLOCAZIONE DEGLI APPARECCHI Una collocazione ottimale prevede che gli elettroinsetticidi siano disposti in una zona un poco distante dai luoghi frequentati dalle persone. Affinche' l'azione attrattiva nei confronti degli insetti diurni sia efficace,gli apparecchi devono esseremessi in penombra piuttosto che in piena luce. Questa collocazione e' preferibile al fine di evitare la competizione tra i raggi emessi dalla macchina ed i raggi solari,che essendo piu' potenti vanificherebbero l'azione dell'apparecchio. Una fonte UV posta in un ambiente di luce attenuata e' sempre in grado di esercitare attrazione nei confronti degli insetti che passano nelle sue vicinanze. Anche la luce lunare e quella artificiale emessa dalle lampade puo' interferire con l'azione dell'elettroinsetticida. Occorre quindi collocare lamacchina in zone schermate da queste fonti luminose. Se si dispongono piu' apparecchi nello stesso ambiente, occorre distanziarli in base al loro raggio d'azione, così come indicato nei consigli d'utilizzo per ciascun apparecchio. Se un elettroisetticida per esempio ha un raggio d'azione di 10 metri, posizionare l'altro a 20 metri di distanza. Evitare di mettere gli apparecchi vicino a pareti chiare, in quanto la luce emessa si rifletterebbe su queste superfici disturbando la loro azione. Evitare di disporre gli apparecchi vicino a correnti d' aria, che potrebbero interferire con la loro azione. Mettere gli apparecchi ad una altezza opportuna. L'azione migliore si ha a 2-3 metri dal pavimento. 25 ELECTRIC INSECTICIDES Electric insecticides system perfectly imitates what happens in nature. Mosquitos lay their eggs in dark and damp places, where they are sheltered and re s fe from the danger of ehydration. Once born, the sm ll insects cannot leave this environment during the day because of the sun rays that would lead them to dehydration and therefore to death. This is the reason why the insect flickers only at night: the only rays that g e his path are the UV rays. Experiments have shown that a high percentage of the newborns fall into the traps thanks to the attraction of the UV rays whereas the majority is captured within the first two hours. This attr c ion d creases as the ins ct grows. When the insect is ready to lay eggs, it looks for cool and damp places where eggs are protected both by the predators and UV rays. A disinfest tion treatment is therefore mainly eff ctiv at the beginning of spring since newborns could be eliminated as they grow up. DEVICES PLACEMENT In order to make it work effectively, the device has to be placed in the shadow rather than in the bright light. This is due to the fact that the sunlight is stronger than the rays emitted by the device nd would therefore compromise the right use of the device. In the same way the moon light and the artificial light may also interfere with the correct operation of the device. It is therefore necessary to place the ins cticide far away from every light source. If there are more devices in the same place, it is lso nec ssary to separate them according to their ranges. For example if an insecticide has a range of 10 m, a second insecticide has to be positioned 20 m far away from the oth r one. In order to mak the device work effectively, do not put the device close to light walls since the light it produces will reflect on the surface or cloffffse to air draughts. Put the device at the right height (2-3 meters above the floor).

ELETTROINSETTICIDI 24 ELECTRIC-INSECTICIDES with high voltage discharge grille with glue pades with exhaust fan

PER UNA SISTEMAZIONE OTTIMALE 1 - Posizionare CRI CRI lontano dalle zone piu' frequentate. 2 - Evitare di posizionare CRI CRI in piena luce, poiche' la penombra ne favorisce il funzionamento ottimale. 3 - L'altezza ideale e' di oltre 2 m dal pavimento. 4 - Evitare di posizionare CRI CRI vicini a correnti d'aria che potrebbero allontanare gli insetti . Si consiglia di sovradimensionare sempre l'impianto, maggiore e' la potenza delle lampade maggiori saranno le prestazioni. 27 Die optimale Platzierung von Insektenfallen mit UV-Licht als Lockmittel: 1. Platzieren Sie die Falle möglichst weit entfernt von stark frequentierten Orten. 2. Stellen Sie die Insektenfalle niemals im direkten Sonnenlicht auf. Schatten und abgedunkelte Bereiche verstärken die Lockwirkung der Spezial-UV-Lamp . 3. D e ideale Aufstellhöhe be rägt 2 Meter. Spezielle Schadinsekten können jedoch eine andere Platzierung erforderlich machen. 4. Stellen Sie die Insektenfalle niemals im direkt Luftzug auf. Insekt n m iden diese Orte und die Fangergebnisse fallen entspr chend g ringer aus. Die ange ebenen Wirkbereiche gelten für Flächen, in denen die Falle direkt sichtbar und nicht verdeckt ist. Wir empfehlen, die Geräte zu überdimensionieren: Je stärker die Leistung der Spezial-UV-Lamp, desto besser die Fangergebnisse. Küche Bad Wohnzimmer Eingang

CARATTERISTICHE CRI CRI e' il distruttore d'insetti piu' famoso, piu' venduto e il piu' imitato. 25 anni di leadership indiscussa sul mercato internazionale sono il frutto di una strategia imprenditoriale lungimirante. Sin dall' inizio della produzione, MO-EL ha coniugato alta qualita' e' prezzi contenuti. Attraverso una rigorosa selezione delle materie prime e importanti investimenti tecnologici, MO-EL ha approntato un'organizzazione produttiva capace di accordare flessibilita', qualita' ed economicita'. Il risultato e' una gamma vastissima di modelli, domestici e professionali, adatti a ciascuna specifica esigenza. Il principio di funzionamento e' semplicissimo: CRI CRI attira gli insetti mediante specifiche lampade a raggi ultravioletti irresistibili per i giovani insetti volanti e li annienta con una scarica elettrica, nel momento in cui attraversano la griglia interna. COMPONENTI Appositamente studiata per ambienti professionali, questa linea unisce la massima efficacia e funzionalita' ad un' assoluta sicurezza. Tutte le macchine di questa serie sono dotate di un pratico cassetto estraibile a scorrimento, a garanzia di una comoda e profonda pulizia, ma possono lavorare anche senza cassetto. LA CARROZZERIA La carrozzeria e' realizzata in tecnopolimero plastico di alta qualita', la particolare struttura protegge al massimo le parti elettriche da sporcizia e umidita', garantendo il miglior raffreddamento. I MATERIALI I modelli di questa linea sono in materiali Autoestinguenti per superare indenni eventuali cortocircuiti, termo-resistenti per garantire le massime prestazioni anche alle piu' elevate temperature e Anti-UV per una qualita' inalterata nel tempo. LE GRIGLIE Le griglie AT (alta tensione) in acciaio zincato sono autopulenti e le griglie di protezione esterna sono in acciaio verniciato oppure galvanizzato, per resistere sia alle emissioni UV sia alle intemperie. LA SICUREZZA La linea CRI CRI professionale e' completamente protetta, ideale per interni ed esterni, elimina qualsiasi possibilita' di contatto con parti in tensione, a salvaguardia dei bambini e degli animali domestici. GARANZIA Tutti i modelli CRI CRI della linea professionale sono coperti da una garanzia integrale MO-EL, ad esclusione delle lampade che devono essere annualmente sostituite. Nati per garantire igiene e sicurezza, i diversi modelli di questa linea sono approvati da IMQ e rispondenti ai piu' severi requisiti della normativa CE. ELETTROINSETTICIDI A SCARICA ELETTRICA 26 EIGENSCHAFTEN Die CRI CRI Serie mit ihrer wirkungsvollen Fangleistung für Insekten ist der meistverkaufte und am häufigsten imitierte, elektrische Insektenfänger. 25 Jahre als internationaler Marktführer sind der Beleg für eine weitsichtige Strategie, die auf wirkungsvolle Produkte und eine hohe Produktqualität zu marktfähigen Preisen basieren. MO-EL kombiniert moderne Produktionstechniken mit hochwertigen Materialien, die in einer Reihe von Geräten für die professionelle Verwendung und den Einsatz zu Hause münden. Das Wirkprinzip ist einfach: CRI CRI zieht Insekten mit einer speziellen Frequenz der ultravioletten Lampn magisch an. Ein mit Hochspannung geladenes Gitter im Inneren des Gerätes tötet diese umgehend und zuverlässig. KOMPONENTEN Die Modelle der CRI CRI Baureihe sind extr m effizient und funktional. Sie sind mit einer ausziehbaren Sammelschale ausgestattet, die Sauberkeit und Sicherheit gewährleistet. GRUNDSTRUKTUR Die Grundstruktur besteht aus technischem Polymer, das die stromführenden Teile vor Schmutz und Feuchte schützt und eine bessere Wärmeableitung garantiert. MATERIALIEN lle verwendeten Materialien sind selbstverlöschend, um im Falle eines Kurzschlusses Br ndgefahr auszus hließen. Sie sind wärmebeständig, um die Funktion auch bei hohen Umgebungstemperaturen zu gewährleisten. Weiterhin sind sie UV-stabilisiert, um eine vorzeitige Alterung des Kunststoffes zu vermeiden. Metallteile wurden im Salznebel getestet, um eine lange Korrosionsbeständigkeit zu ermöglichen. GITTER Die HV-Gitter (Hochvolt) besteh aus verzinktem Steel oder EdelSteel u d sind s lbstreinigend. Die Sch tzgitter sind mit ei em UV-beständigem Lack beschichtet, der Wettereinflüssen standhält. SICHERHEIT CRI CRI Professional, einsetzbar Innen und im Freien, sind so konstruiert, dass jeder Kontakt von Kindern und Haustieren mit spannungsführenden Teilen ausgeschlossen ist. GARANTIE CRI CRI Geräte der Pr fessional-Serie unterliegen der Qualitätsgarantie des H rstellers. Hiervon usgenommen sind die Spezi lLamp , die bedingt durch Alterung der Innenbeschichtun jährlich getauscht werden sollten, um beste Fangergebnisse zu erreichen. Alle MO-EL Geräte tragen das UL- und IMQ-Prüfzeichen. I NS EK T ENFAL L EN MIT HOCHSPANNUNGSGITTERN

CRI CRI 304 TECHNICAL FEATURES 304 Dimensions (mm) 355 x 155 x 315 Weight (kg) 4,1 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 35 Insulation class II Degree of protection IPX3 Covering (m.r. linear) 8 - 10 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 1 x 15 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material Steel painted, ABS Ideal for medium sized environments, this model combines compactness and strength with extreme easy cleaning. STRUCTURE CRI CRI is an elegant discreet and effective device that ensures consistent quality and performance over time. It is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. LAMPS Equipped with a UV-A lamp with power of 15W and an irradiation of about 8-10 mt. SAFETY IPX3 protection against rain. Grilles and plastic elements have been tested against oxidation. Body work has been tested in order to resist to extreme heat and dryness conditions. Grilles maintain their efficiency longer, thanks to the high tension discharge and the electrified sticks which are properly spaced. Accessories 304 Lamp UV-A, 15 W. Art. 415 6

CRI CRI 300N TECHNICAL FEATURES 300N Dimensions (mm) 132 x 165 x 330 Weight (kg) 1,1 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 6 Insulation class II Covering (m.r. linear) 3 - 5 Discharge voltage (V) 1.500 Lamp 1 x 6 W UV-A, actinic Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material ABS STRUCTURE Light and compact, CRI CRI 300N is made of self-extinguishing technopolymer and anti UV. Extremely easy to clean thanks to a removable drawer . Lamp and electrified grille are equipped with the exclusive cleaning system (MO-EL license) which guarantees a perfect cleaning without any disassembly. All products in this line are covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be susbititued every year. LAMPS High quality UV-A lamp with power of 6 W and irradiation of about 3-5 mt. SAFETY Approved by IMQ and in CE conformity. PATENTED ROD FOR CLEANING THE GRILLE Accessories 300N Lamp UV-A, 6 W. Art. 421 7

Cod.0802 Lampada 40W attinica Codice METEL MOE0802 30 TECHNICAL FEATURES 308A Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 8,6 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 95 Insulation class I Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Steel, ABS The 308A is designed for agricultural sites even where water is in use in the cleaning maintenance of the floor and other surfaces. STRUCTURE The robust structure ensures the longest life product also in difficult working conditions.The item is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. The external zinc grille is equipped with a grounding device : in case of water jets , water goes from high tension grid to the protection grid and finally on the ground, so that no damage is caused to the object responsible for the jets. Shall the external grilles be removed, a security switch removes power to the machine. LAMPS The two UV-A lamps of 40W generate a light emission of 80W and an irradiation of almost 15 – 18 meters.The top case has been developed in order to avoid too much water or dust in the device. SAFETY Totally hygienic and safe, this model is approved by IMQ in IPX4 class. Protected against water and safe for being installed outside permanently. INTERNAL GRILLE ON ALTERNING CURRENT 1. SAFETY SWITCH 2. EXTERNAL GRILLE GROUNDED Accessories 308A Lamp UV-A, 40 W. Art. 802 8

Cod.0512 Lampada attinica 20W Codice METEL MOE0512 31 TECHNICAL FEATURES 307A Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 8,0 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 65 Insulation class I Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 12 - 15 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 20 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Steel, ABS This model is intended for agricultural use and for environments where it is necessary to work with water jets. STRUCTURE The item ensures consistent quality and performance over time.The external zinc grille is equipped with a grounding device : in case of water jets , water goes from high tension grille to the protection grille and finally on the ground, so that no damage is caused to the object responsible for the jets. Shall the external grilles be removed, a security switch removes power to the machine. LAMPS The two UV-A lamps of 20W generate a light emission of 40W and an irradiation of almost 12 – 15 meters.The lamp case is watertight, in order to avoid too much water or dust in the device. SAFETY Totally hygienic and safe, this model is approved by IMQ in IPX4 class. Protected against water and safe for being installed outside permanently. Grilles and plastic elements have been tested against oxidation and the body work is tested in order to resist to extreme heat and dryness conditions. Grilles maintain their efficiency in time and a condition of perfect cleaning thanks to the high tension discharge and the electrified sticks which are properly spaced. EXAMPLE: POSITIONING ON A SWIMMING POOL Accessories 307A UV-A, 20 W. Art. 512 9

Cod.0802 Lampada 40W attinica Codice METEL MOE0802 32 TECHNICAL FEATURES 308E Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 8,6 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 95 Insulation class II Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Steel painted, ABS CRI CRI 308 E is the most effective electric insecticide of the professional line. STRUCTURE The robust structure ensures the longest life product also in difficult working conditions. The item is covered by a warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. LAMPS Equipped with two UV-A lamps with power of 40 W and an irradiation of about 15-18 mt. The lamp case is watertight, in order to avoid too much water or dust in the device SAFETY Totally hygienic and safe, this model is approved by IMQ in IPX4 class. Protected against water and safe for being installed outside permanently. Grilles and plastic elements have been tested against oxidation and the body work is tested in order to resist to extreme heat and dryness conditions. Grilles maintain their efficiency in time and a condition of perfect cleaning thanks to the high tension discharge and the electrified sticks which are properly spaced. EXAMPLE: POSITIONING ON A TENNIS COURT Accessories 308E Lamp UV-A, 40 W. Art. 802 10

Cod.0512 Lampada Gold 20W Codice METEL MOE0512 33 TECHNICAL FEATURES 307E Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 8,0 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 65 Insulation class II Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 12 - 15 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 20 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Steel painted, ABS Designed to grant the same quality and safety of CRI CRI 308E model 307E comes with 2 lamps by 20W reaching a total power of attraction of 40W. STRUCTURE The robust structure ensures the longest life product also in difficult working conditions. The item is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. LAMPS The UV-a light in the wavelength range of 315-400mm is not visible to the human eye but it is perceived by many insects. The two UV-A lamps have a power of 40 W and a range of atraction of about 12-15 mt. SAFETY Hygienic and safe, this model is approved by IMQ in IPX4 class. Protected against water and safe for being installed outside permanently. Grilles and plastic elements have been tested against oxidation and the body work is tested in order to resist to extreme heat and dryness conditions. Grilles maintain their efficiency in time and a condition of perfect cleaning thanks to the high tension discharge and the electrified sticks which are properly spaced. BEXAMPLE: POSITIONING ON A FOOTBALL COURT Accessories 307E Lamp UV-A, 20 W. Art. 512 11 11

IPX4 1 m 34 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE 305E Dimensioni mm Peso Alimentazione Tensione di scarica Consumo Totale Lampade UV-A Durata lampade Dotazione di serie Grado IP Classe di isolamento Metel Code 685x200x380 mm (h) 8 Kg 230V - 50 Hz 5000V 45W 1X20W 2000 h catenella IPX4 II MOE305E ART.305E CRI CRI 305E TECHNICAL FEATURES 305E Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 8,0 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 45 Insulation class II Degre of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 10 - 12 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 1 x 20 W UV-A Lift time lamp (h) 2.000 Material Steel painted, ABS This model is characterized by an excellent price/quality ratio. STRUCTURE The strong structure ensures the longest operating life to this product also in challenging working conditions. The item is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. LAMPS Equipped with an UV-A lamps with power of 20 W and an irradiation of about 10-12 mt. The lamp case is shelded, in order to avoid too much water or dust in the device. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in IPX4 class and suitable for outdoor use. Accessories 305E Lamp UV-A, 20 W. Art. 512 12

IPX3 1 m 35 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE 309 Dimensioni mm Peso Alimentazione Tensione di scarica Consumo Totale Lampade UV-A Durata lampade Dotazione di serie Grado IP Classe di isolamento Metel Code 355X155X315 mm (h) 4,2 Kg 230V - 50 Hz 5000V 45W 2X15W 1500 h catenella IPX3 II MOE309 ART.309 CRI CRI 309 TECHNICAL FEATURES 309 Dimensions (mm) 355 x 155 x 315 Weight (kg) 4,2 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 45 Insulati n class II Degre of protection IPX3 Covering (m.r. linear) 10 - 12 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 15 W UV-A Lift time lamp (h) 1.500 Material Steel painted, ABS Light and compact, CRI CRI 309 is extremely easy to clean thanks to a removable drawer. STRUCTURE The strong structure ensures the longest life product also in difficult working conditions. The item is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year. LAMPS Equipped with two UV-A lamps with power of 15 W it reaches a 30W performance . With such a power 309 achieves a range of action of 10-12mt. The lamp case is molded to combat water and dust penetration. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in IPX3 class. Grilles has been tested against oxidation and the body work is tested in order to resist to extreme heat and dryness conditions Accessories 309 Lamp UV-A, 15 W. Art. 415 13

TECHNICAL FEATURES 308S Dimensions (mm) 685 x 200 x 380 Weight (kg) 11,0 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 95 Insulation class I Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Discharge voltage (V) 5.000 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Stainless steel, ABS The whole set is designed for agricultural sites and places that need water spraying. STRUCTURE The extremely robust structure made of stainless steel ensures the longest product life also in hard working conditions. The external zinc grid is equipped with a grounding device: in case of water jets, water goes from the high tension grid to the protection grid and finally on the grounding, preventing any risk of electric shocks. Should the external grids be removed, a security switch turns off the power of the device. LAMPS The two 40W UV-A lamps generate a light emission of 80W and an irradiation of almost 15 – 18 meters. The lamp case is watertight, in order to avoid water or dust inside the device. Accessories 308S Lamp UV-A, 40 W Art. 802 14

380 100 290 TECHNICAL FEATURES 369 Dimensions (mm) 380 x 290 x 100 Weight (kg) 2,9 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 45 W Insulation class II Degree of protection IP20 Covering (m.r. linear) 6 - 8 Discharge voltage (V) 2.000 Lamp 2 x 15 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material ABS STRUCTUR The leightweight and compact model GEKKO is constructed for highest performance and easy maintenance and cleaning in home and private use . Its made of selfdistinguishing, technical polymer. Simple and easy cleanimg of discharge grille and lamps thanks a patented drawerwithout oping the unit. The item is covered by a MO-EL warranty of 2 years, excluding the lamps which have to be substituted every year.. The device can be placed on furnitures or suspended on chains. The retractable carrying handle makes the device ideal for use in changing locations. LAMPS Equipped with two UV-A lamps with power of 15 W and an irradiation of about 6 - 8 mt. SAFETY Electrical safety pproved by IMQ. Accessories 369 Lamp UV-A, 15 W Art. 415 Retractable carrying handle and cleaning drawer 15

COS ’E’ L’HACCP? L’HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) è un metodo di controllo e monitoraggio igienico finalizzato a tutelare la salute del consumatore. L’Italia ha recepito le normative europee (Dir.CEE n°43/93) e le ha rese operative emanando il D.L.n.155/97, in esso sono contenute le prescrizioni da osservare e con esso diviene necessaria l’applicazione della metodologia HACCP. DOVE SI APPLICA In ogni filiera produttiva si individuano dei ‘punti critici’ , per ognuno dei quali esistono dei controlli che, per legge, devono essere sistematicamente effettuati, in modo da poter risalire alle cause che possono aver determinato un qualsiasi problema. Il metodo HACCP si basa su criteri scientifici ed offre una serie di vantaggi: - Consente di identificare e prevenire i pericoli di contaminazione del cibo; - Agevola i controlli delle autorità; - Favorisce una competizione onesta e trasparente avente come obiettivo la soddisfazione del consumatore. Il sistema HACCP si riferisce alla totalità del processo effettuato e non solo al controllo del prodotto finito. LE CATEGORIE TENUTE AL RISPETTO DELLA NORMATIVA Tutte le aziende alimentari che svolgono attività di produzione, preparazione, trasformazione, fabbricazione, confezionamento, deposito, trasporto, distribuzione, manipolazione, vendita, fornitura, somministrazione al consumatore. Ad esempio: ristoranti bar, pasticcerie rivendite alimentari e ortofrutta salumerie, gastronomie macellerie, pescherie panifici farmacie. COS’E’ L’ HACCP 37 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a legal requirement and a systematic preventive approach to food safety against biological, chemical and physical hazards in food processing, which may lead to finished products are unsafe for consumption. HACCP defines a way to identify, document, reduce and monitor the risks. It is the Hazard Analysis and Control of Critical Points - at all relevant stages of preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution, handling and sale of foodstuffs. According the valid Regulation (EC) no. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs Chapter 1, Article 1 / a, the responsibility for the safety of a food rests on the food business operator. HACCP applies to all members in the supply chain, in which one of the above activities is carried out - regardless of whether the activity is used for commercial purposes or not. This means that the from large, industrial food supply records to the small snack kitchen, all steps, critical control points must be defined, monitored regularly and be clearly documented for the food-monitoring authority. Failing this, consequences ranging from fines to closure of the production facility or kitchen by the authority. The number of our Insect traps with glue pads allows easy and fast control and logging of harmful insects and its course, tailored to the requirements of the HACCP regulations. Glue p ds re easy to swap quickly and hygienically. They are ideal for restau ants, snack b rs, fo d departments in supermarkets, butchers, fish shops, bak s nd pharmacies. WHAT IS HACCP?

EFFETTI DANNOSI DOVUTI AGLI INSETTI Per evitare qualsiasi tipo di contaminazione è necessario attuare una lotta radicale agli insetti volanti, quali mosche e moscerini, le cui larve si nutrono di materiale organico in decomposizione. Durante la crescita gli insetti entrano in contatto con agenti patogeni pericolosissimi per l’uomo, quali: Streptococchi, causa d’infezioni della pelle e intestinali, Campylobacter che causa pericolose infezioni intestinali, Clamidi, parassita che si annida nell’organismo causando danni gravissimi e Klebsiella, che provoca infezioni alle vie urinarie e respiratorie. Altrettanto dannosi sono gli insetti come il Tribolio della farina, il Trogoderma, la Tigola o l’Anodio del pane che danneggiano le derrate alimentari. Per questo è necessario attuare una valida protezione contro gli insetti, attraverso il monitoraggio e il controllo costante dei punti critici. SOLUZIONI A NORMA DI LEGGE EFFICACIA DELLE LAMPADE UV-A Tra le soluzioni proposte, la più efficace è l’elettroinsetticida a luce UV-A, che sfrutta la proprietà di attrazione dei raggi UV-A nei confronti degli insetti, senza danneggiare l’uomo. Per essere percepita dal sistema di orientamento degli insetti, le lampade UV-A devono garantire un’estrema precisione nella frequenza delle emissioni, per questo è importante sostituire le lampade dopo un anno di attività, pena l’inefficacia del sistema stesso. È importantissimo sostituire le lampade con le nostre originali MO-EL. LAMPADE UV-A Lampade a vapori di mercurio a bassa pressione costituite da un involucro in vetro tubolare contenente due elettrodi, con rivestimento interno fluorescente. Producono emissioni nel campo dell’ultravioletto tra i 300 e i 400 nm con il picco a 365 nm. PER AUMENTARE L’EFFICACIA DELLA TRAPPOLA LUMINOSA MO-EL ha abbinato al richiamo delle lampade una gamma completa di carte collanti con retinatura per facilitare il monitoraggio. ELETTROINSETTICIDI A CARTA COLLANTE 36 HARMFUL EFFECTS CAUSED BY INSECTS In order to avoid any contamination, it is necessary to adopt a radical strategy against flying i sects, such as flies and gnats, whose larvae feed o fine organic material. As they grow, these insects get in touch with dangerous pathogenic agents such as streptococci, which causes skin infections, Campylobacter, which causes severe intestine infections and Klebsiella, which causes urinary and respiratory infections. Other dangerous insects are for example the tribolio, the trogoderma, the tegola and the anodio which damage foods. It is therefore necessary to implement an efficient protection against insects through constant procedures of monitoring and control. SOLUTIONS ACCORDING TO LAW EFFICENCY OF UV-A LAMPS The most efficient solution is the UV-A light electric insecticide, which uses UV-A rays to attract insects without causing damage to the human being or foods. An efficient UV-A lamp must ensure an extreme precision in its frequency of emissions and has therefore to be substituted every year. It is very important to substitute the old lamp with an original MO-EL lamp. UV-A LAMPS The MO-EL’s perfect luminous sources are low-pressure mercury vapor lamps made by a glass envelope containing two electrodes, with inner fluorescent coating. They have an irradiation of 300-400 nm with a p ak of 365 nm. TO INCREASE THE EFFICENCY OF THE LUMINOUS TRAP MO-EL has created a complete set of paper adhesives with dithering in order to facilitate the monitoring. INSECT TRAPS WITH ADHESIVE PAPER

NEW REATTORE ELETTRONICO LAMPADE ANTI FRANTUMAZIONE FISSAGGIO A SOFFITTO O A PARETE MO STICK INOX TECHNICAL FEATURES 372 Dimensions (mm) 655 x 385 x 235 Weight (kg) 7,8 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220 - 240 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 95 Insulation class I Degree of protection IP65 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Shatter proof Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Stainless steel, adhesive paper Designed for large environments that require high hygienic conditions. STRUCTURE The item is completely made of stainless steel AISI 304, welded and treated for environments where food is prepared. In order to protect it against water jets and dust, the item is equipped with watertight lamp holder, cable and rubber plug with watertight cable duct, gasket between the bodywork and the lid. MO-STICK is a trap that ensures the monitoring of the captured insects. Characterized by a clean and elegant design, it is extremely simple to clean and to substitute the adhesive papers (this item comes with starting kit of 4 glue boards). MO-STICK can be hung thanks to two practical chains, put or lean on the wall. LAMPS The two powerful shatterproof UV-A lamps with power of 40W are installed on a watertight lamp holder and are equipped with a sheath for the protection of the tube: In the event of glass breakage, glasses do not disperse in the environment and at the same time the phosphors are not missing. The sheath is perfectly transparent to UV-A rays. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in IP65 class and in CE conformity. 397 - 372 SHATTER PROOF LAMP INSTALLATION ON CEILING OR WALL ELEC R NIC BALLAST 18

MO STICK PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL FEATURES 397 Dimensions (mm) 655 x 385 x 235 Weight (kg) 7,8 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220 - 240 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 95 Insulation class I Degree of protection IP65 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Shatter proof Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Stainless steel, adhesive paper Designed for large environments that require high hygienic conditions. POSITIONING Lamps have to be installed far away from light sources (windows etc) and air currents, since they may hinder the insect’s fly. The best positioning is between the entrances and the production points, so that insects can be captured before they arrive to the critical points. STRUCTURE The item is made of white painted sheet metal. GLUE PADS The unit comes with a set of 4 pcs. adhesive paper. Accessories 397 - 372 Lamp UV-A, 40 W, shatter proof Art. 788 Glue boards, set of 10 pcs.Art. 1625 19

TECHNICAL FEATURES 701 Dimensions (mm) 400 x 120 x 155 Weight (kg) 2,2 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 40 Insulation class II Degree of protection IP55 Covering (m.r. linear) 10 - 12 Lamp 2 x 15 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material Aluminium, glue pads MOFLY is designed in conformity with HACCP and is a powerful item for preventing and eliminating all kind of insects in the surrounding environment. STRUCTURE AND INSTALLATION The combination of the UV-A lamps and the adhesive paper is the only system that ensures the monitoring of the insects. . Adhesive paper prevents the fragmentation of the insects and permits an easy tracking of the trapped specimen. The item can be fixed or leaned on the wall. MO-FLY comes with 4 glue boards. LAMPS Equipped with two UV-A lamps with a power of 30W and an irradiation of 10-12 mt. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in IP55 class and in CE conformity.The electric parts, including the UV-A lamps are isolated and protected by the transparent and unbreakable coverage in compliance with health and safety standards. Accessories 701 Lamp UV-A, 15 W Glue boards, set of 10 pcs. Art. 788 Art. 2413 20

TECHNICAL FEATURES 700 Dimensions (mm) 112 x 435 x 400 Weight (kg) 2,2 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 40 Insulation class II Degree of protection IP55 Covering (m.r. linear) 10 - 12 Lamp 2 x 15 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material Aluminium, glue pads MOBUTTERFLY is designed in conformity with HACCP and is a powerful item for preventing and eliminating all kind of insects in the surrounding environment. When insects get close to the item, they remain attached to the adhesive paper, fixed on the sides. STRUCTURE AND INSTALLATION Mo-butterfly is completely made of aluminum and is suitable for environments where food is prepared. Adhesive paper can be quickly removed, ensuring an easy and effective cleaning. Can be attached to the wall or ceiling. Mo-Butterfly comes with a starting kit of 4 glue boards. LAMPS Equipped with two UV-A lamps with a power of 30W and an irradiation of 10-12 mt. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in IP55 class and in CE conformity. The electric parts, including the UV-A lamps are isolated and protected by the transparent and unbreakable coverage in compliance with health and safety standards. Accessories 700 Lamp UV-A, 15 W Glue boards, set of 10 pcs. Art. 788 Art. 2413 21

TECHNICAL FEATURES 399 Dimensions (mm) 400 x 170 x 265 Weight (kg) 1,4 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220 - 240 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 20 Insulation class I Degree of protection IP20 Wirkfläche (m²) 3 - 5 Lamp 1 x 20 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material PVC, glue pad Paper adhesive trap created for environments that must combine an efficient tool against flying insects with elegant design. 399 MO-plick has been developed for permanent installation. Also Mod 399 comes with starting kit of 4 glue boards. STRUCTURE AND LAMPS Easy to clean, MO-PLICK can be painted over, in order to be adapted to the environment. Both the external bodywork and the paper adhesive are extremely Accessories 399 Lamp UV-A, 20 Glue boards, set of 10 pcs. Art. 1932 Art. 1888 NEW PAINTABLE HOUSING 22

TECHNICAL FEATURES 398R Dimensions (mm) 400 x 170 x 265 Weight (kg) 2,9 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220 - 240 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 20 Insulation class II Degree of protection IP20 Wirkfläche (m²) 3 - 5 Lamp 1 x 20 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 1.500 Material Stainless steel, glue pad Accessories 398R Lamp UV-A, 20 Glue boards, set of 10 pcs. Art. 1932 Art. 1888 Paper adhesive electric insecticide has been created for environments that must combine an efficient pest control item with elegant and smart design. STRUCTURE The external body made of stainless steel AISI 304 with a thickness of 1,2 mm is easy to clean and to remove. LAMPS Equipped with a high quality UV-A lamp with a power of 20W and an irradiation of about 4-5 mt. SAFETY Approved by IMQ in conformity with the European Safety Standards Mo-plick INOX has been developed for permanent installation. 398 comes with starting kit of 4 glue boards. 23

CARATTERISTICHE No agli insetti, si all'ambiente. MO-EL ha realizzato una gamma completa di prodotti contro gli insetti, sicuri per l'ambiente e innocui per l'uomo. INSECTIVORO utilizza l'azione combinata delle lampade UV-A (luce ultravioletta di tipo A innocua) e di una ventola. Gli insetti sono attirati dalla luce,aspirati dalla ventola e rinchiusi in un cassetto. Ognuno potra' scegliere se trattenere gli insetti fino alla morte o liberarli. Il cassetto brevetto MO-EL e' dotato di uno portellino a chiusura automatica. Per liberare gli insetti e' sufficiente estrarre il cassetto, aprirlo ed allontanarsi. LE LAMPADE Massima attenzione sugli insetti, massime prestazioni nel tempo e massima sicurezza: MO-EL utilizza per i propri apparecchi solo lampade UV-A fornite dai migliori produttori del settore, a livello mondiale. Per ottenere la massima funzionalita' e' necessario sostituire le lampade nei tempi consigliati, con ricambi originali MO-EL. COMPONENTI LA VENTOLA Gli insetti, attirati dalla luce, sono aspirati da una ventola plastica morbida, dotata di pale arrotondate che, senza frantumarli, li intrappola nel cassetto. Per i bambini poi, la ventola e' assolutamente sicura, anche in caso di introduzione accidentale delle mani al suo interno in quanto strutturata e costruita nel rigoroso rispetto delle norme di sicurezza CE. GLI SPORTELLINI Gli sportelli sono alloggiati nella parte interna dell'apparecchio, si aprono e si chiudono automaticamente in sincronia con l'accensione e lo spegnimento della ventola. LA STRUTTURA Realizzato con plastiche antigraffio, INSECTIVORO unisce l'estrema facilita' e praticita' d'uso alla bellezza di un design innovativo. Leggerissimo e portatile puo' essere collocato in qualsiasi ambiente. Filtri e cassetto sono facilmente estraibili e lavabili in acqua. PLUS LA SICUREZZA INSECTIVORO e' approvato e sotto permanente controllo dell' IMQ ITALIANO. Isolato in classe II non necessita di messa a terra, realizzato con materiali estremamente resistenti ed elastici funziona ovunque purche' non esposto alla pioggia. L'ECOLOGIA Costruito con materiali riciclabili, INSECTIVORO non usa veleni, non produce fumi. L’ECONOMIA D’USO/IL RISPARMIO Lampade e ventilatore assorbono 55 watt, (nel mod.368) INSECTIVORO assicura costi minimi e lunga durata. LA QUALITÀ DELLA VITA Nessun rumore, nessun odore, e nessun insetto visibile, INSECTIVORO migliora l’ambiente e la vita. LAMPADE LAMPADE UV-A Si tratta di lampade a vapori di mercurio a bassa pressione con involucro di vetro tubolare contenente due elettrodi, con rivestimento interno fluorescente. Producono emissioni nel campo dell’ultravioletto tra i 300 e i 400 nm con il picco a 365 nm. LAMPADE UV-C - GERMICIDE Si tratta di lampade a vapori di mercurio a bassa pressione con involucro di vetro tubolare emissioni di radiazioni ultraviolette a onda corta con un picco a 253,7 nm (UV-C). Attenzione: l’esposizione diretta alle radiazioni è estremamente dannosa per tutti gli organismi viventi, pertanto l’apparecchio non va utilizzato se presenta rotture nella carrozzeria. Qualsiasi intervento all’apparecchio deve essere effettuato esclusivamente da tecnici qualificati. ITALY 45 FEATURES MO-EL has designed a complete range of suction traps which is environmentally safe and completely harmless to humans and pets. INSECTIVORO combines the UV-A lamps with a buil in fan. Insects are attracted by the light, when they approach the luminous source the fan traps them into a drawer. The MO-EL patented drawer is equipped with an automatically closing flap. For this reason insects can’t escape when the item is off. LAMPS MO-EL sources its UV-A lamps exclusively from best manufacturer all over the World. In order for the item to be efficient, it is necessary to substitute the old/nonfunctional lamps with original MO-EL lamps. COMPONENTS THE FAN The fan, made of plastic and equipped with rounded blades, traps the insects without smashing them and leads them into the drawer. It is completely safe also for children. Designed in compliance with the CE standards, the fan stops automatically in case of accidental contact with fingers or other parts. DOORS The trapping doors are placed inside the device and function automatically as the fan is switched on and off. STRUCTURE Made of scratch-resistant plastics, INSECTIVORO combines extreme ease and practicability of use with an innovative design. Light and movable, it is suitable both for domes c and professional use. Filters and drawer are quickly removable and easy to clean. PLUS SAFETY INSECTIVORO is approved by the Italian IMQ. It is insulated in class II and does ot need to be grounded. It is realized with extreme resistant and elastic. E OLOGY Produced with recyclable materials, INSECTIVORO does not use poisons, che icals lures and it d esn’t emit any smoke or bad smell. SAVING low costs and long-lasting durability. QUALITY OF LIFE No noise, no smell, no visible insect. INSECTIVORO works for a better environment and a better life. LAMPS UV-A LAMPS The MO-EL’s perfect lu inous sources are low-pressure mercury vapor lamps made by a glass envelope containing two electrodes, with inner fluorescent coating. They have a luminous spectrum of 300-400 nm with a peak of 365 nm UV-C LAMPS – GERMICIDE Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps made by a glass envelope with short wave le gth and a peak of 253,7 nm. This powerful light d stroys the bacteria exposed to its luminous emission. Due to its power it has been built into the unit and it hidden from th outer sight. The air coming from th collecting drawer is definitely filtered and sanitized.


ART.3688 46 Moon is the newest model in the CRI CRI family. Moon combines the efficiency of CRI CRI with the elegance of INSECTIVORO. The IPX4 water protection permits outdoor positioning. The 45° inclination boosts its efficiency against tiger mosquitos. The actinic 32W UV-A lamp ensures a coverage of more than 300 m². The safety shell protects the lamp against impacts. Moon is silent and is equipped with an energy saving engine with a total consumption of 25W. 26

ART.001493 LAMPADA UV-A 32W MOE001493 47 TECHNICAL FEATURES 3688 Dimensions (mm) 250 x 252 x 290 Weight (kg) 1,4 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220-240 V~50/60 Hz Total consumption (W) 25 Motor power (W) 4,5 Motor speed (rpm) 1.200 Insulation class II Degree of protection IPX4 Covering (m.r. linear) 14 - 16 Lamp 32 W UV-A, actinic Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material ABS, PMMA MOON’s light imitates the luminous emission of the sun beams reflected by the water and thus deceives and traps mosquitos. The 45° inclination and the intensity of the vacuum system makes it efficient against the aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito). The fan is safe and stops as long as any body touches it. Lamp is protected by a safety shell. Robustness and IPX4 degree of protection makes it a safe and efficient device both for indoor and outdoor. Accessories MOON Lamp UV-A, 32W PROTECTIVE SHELL Protects the lamp against impacts and water. EASY CLOSING SYSTEM It is easy to empty the drawer and cleaning the filter 27

BREVETTO DEL CASSETTO 2 VELOCITA’ Cassetto estraibile di facile pulizia L 48 TECHNICAL FEATURES 361B Dimensions (mm) 245 x 220 x 340 Weight (kg) 2,4 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 55 Power motor (W) 4,5 Speed motor (rpm) 900/1.050 Insulation class II Covering (m.r. linear) 14 - 16 Lamp 32 W UV-A, aktinisch Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material PC-ABS This model offers all the main functions of INSECTIVORO . Easy to clean thanks to the filter and the extractable drawer and convenient to carry. THE FAN MOTOR WORKS AT TWO DIFFERENT SPEEDS The first speed is slower and more silent and is therefore suitable for capturing mosquitos during the night. The second is faster, suitable for capturing bigger insects such as flies, horseflies, bedbugs during the daylight. The basic model presents all the functions and is ideal both for domestic and commercial use. Thanks to the double speed , it works perfectly both during the day and at night. It can be installed on furniture, on the ground or hung on the walls, using the plug supplied. It is recommended to position the device in dark places and to clean filters and drawer very often. PATENTED DRAWER DOUBLE SPEED Easy to clean - removable drawer Accessories 361B Lamp UV-A, 32W Art. 1493 Filter for drawer Art. E10-2574 Blue rear filter Art. E10-2572 28

LAMPADA GERMICIDA Certificazione: test efficacia germicida dell’apparecchio (Università di Parma) 49 BREVETTO DEL CASSETTO Accessories 363G Lamp UV-A, 32W Art. 1493 Lamp UV-C, 9 W, germicid Art. 862 Grey filter for drawer Art. E10-2575 Gray rear filter Art. E10-2573 GERMICIDAL LAMP PATENTED DRAWER Certification: Germicidal effectiviness test (University of Parma) TECHNICAL FEATURES 363G Dimensions (mm) 245 x 220 x 340 Weight (kg) 2,6 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 75 Speed motor (rpm) 900/1.050 Insulation class II Covering (m.r. linear) 14 - 16 Lamp 32 W UV-A, aktinisch Lamp germicid 9 W UV-C Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material PC-ABS Equipped with an intern UV-C lamp, it captures the insects and sterilizes the drying air from microbes and bacteria. This model has been designed for hygienic and environmental purposes: ideal for restaurants, butcheries, food shops, hospitals and clinics. THE FAN MOTOR WORKS AT TWO DIFFERENT SPEEDS The first speed is slower and more . It is perfect for capturing mosquitos during the night. The second is faster, suitable for capturing bigger insects such as flies, horseflies, bedbugs during the day. 29

ART.368G 50 INSECTIVORO BREVETTO DEL CASSETTO Cassetto estraibile di facile pulizia filtri lavabili Cod.001493 Lampada32W Codice METEL MOE001493 Cod.002573 Filtro posteriore grigio Codice METEL MOE002573 Cod.002575 Filtro per cassetto Codice METEL MOE002575 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE 368G Struttura Dimensioni Peso Tensione di Alimentazione Lampade UV-A Durata Lampade Velocità motore Classe di isolamento Consumo Totale Codice Metel PC-ABS 245x220x340 mm (H) 2,4 kg 230V/50Hz 1x32 W 2000 h 900 rpm II 55 W MOE 368G TECHNICAL FEATURES 368G Dimensions (mm) 245 x 220 x 340 Weight (kg) 2,4 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 55 Speed motor (rpm) 900 Insulation class II C vering (m.r. linear) 14 - 16 Lamp 32 W UV-A, actinic Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material PVC-ABS Specifically designed for low cost desensitization, this model is characterized by the best quality-price ratio. The 32W lamp has a range of action of about 14-16 mt. ONE SPEED MOTOR Ideal for capturing bigger insects in absolute silence. PATENTED DRAWER Easy to clean - removable drawer Accessories 368G Lamp UV-A, 32W Art. 1493 Filter for drawer Art. E10-2573 Grey rear filter Art. E10-2575 Washable filters 30

TECHNICAL FEATURES 30602 Dimensions (mm) 407 x 356 x 941 Weight (kg) 11,0 Supply voltage (V/Hz) 230 - 240 V~50 Hz Total consumption (W) 115 Motor speed (rpm) 1.000 Insulation class I Air suction (m/sec) 4 Covering (m.r. linear) 15 - 18 Lamp 2 x 40 W UV-A Liftetime lamp (h) 2.000 Material Aluminium / stainless steel Accessories 30602 Lamp UV-A, 40W Art. 802 Ersatzsammelsack Art. 2869 EFFECTIVENESS Turbine is particularly effective for the use in rural areas and breeding farms. The use of chemical insecticides and pesticides could damage crops and the animals health. Turbine, on the contrary, attracts the insects thanks to the light emitted by the lamps. The insects get close to the device and are sucked by a fan which trap them in the lower part of the device. The external structure, the fan, the box for the housing of the electric components are in metal and guaran - tee the effectiveness and robustness of the device. CONDITIONS OF USE Turbine has a IPX4 degree of protection and could be used outdoor according to law. Wall-mounting with supplied brackets and dowels. The sack in the lower part can contain up to 25 liters of bugs. SAFETY Turbine is a safe device and does not present any risk. It does not emit smokes which may disturb the animals. It does not use chemical substances which require substitution.or. 31

COS ’E’ L’HACCP? L’HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) è un metodo di controllo e monitoraggio igienico finalizzato a tutelare la salute del consumatore. L’Italia ha recepito le normative europee (Dir.CEE n°43/93) e le ha rese operative emanando il D.L.n.155/97, in esso sono contenute le prescrizioni da osservare e con esso diviene necessaria l’applicazione della metodologia HACCP. DOVE SI APPLICA In ogni filiera produttiva si individuano dei ‘punti critici’ , per ognuno dei quali esistono dei controlli che, per legge, devono essere sistematicamente effettuati, in modo da poter risalire alle cause che possono aver determinato un qualsiasi problema. Il metodo HACCP si basa su criteri scientifici ed offre una serie di vantaggi: - Consente di identificare e prevenire i pericoli di contaminazione del cibo; - Agevola i controlli delle autorità; - Favorisce una competizione onesta e trasparente avente come obiettivo la soddisfazione del consumatore. Il sistema HACCP si riferisce alla totalità del processo effettuato e non solo al controllo del prodotto finito. LE CATEGORIE TENUTE AL RISPETTO DELLA NORMATIVA Tutte le aziende alimentari che svolgono attività di produzione, preparazione, trasformazione, fabbricazione, confezionamento, deposito, trasporto, distribuzione, manipolazione, vendita, fornitura, somministrazione al consumatore. Ad esempio: ristoranti bar, pasticcerie rivendite alimentari e ortofrutta salumerie, gastronomie macellerie, pescherie panifici farmacie. COS’E’ L’ HACCP 37 In In livestock breeding and farming insects as flies and horseflies not only disturb the animals but also transmit diseases. In the production of ham insect infestation of the pigs spoil the result. Insects traps prevents... By pest infestation large amounts of food products are spoiled and become unsuitable for human consumption. Insects transmit a variety of ways diseases to humans. Ihr Fachhandelspartner für CasaFan-Produkte: All rights reserved. It is forbidden to publish, in full or in part, any text or photographs from this cataloge. The descriptions and illustrations in this catalogue are understood to be indicative and are not binding. CasaFan reserves the right, while not changing the and illustrated, to modify products whenever necessary and without warning. The product details are information from the particular manufacturers. MO-EL and CasaFan are registred trademarks. Although every care has been taken to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no responsibility can be accepted for any mistakes or misprints contained in this catalogue. ©CasaFan 2016 Use of non-selective insect traps not permitted outdoors. The special lamps contained herein are not suitable for household room illumination.