Ideal lux 2023

When it comes to indoor solutions, the goal of ideal lux is to create versatile sets for all environments, letting every moment live with the right atmosphere and offering everyone the opportunity to experiment with their own idea of home. Even outside, the solutions offered for outdoor spaces do not sacrifice aesthetics and safety; they remain pleasant design elements even when you need some fresh air. For professional spaces, which require particular technical attention, ideal lux has decided to work on many proposals that help distributing the light in the right direction, giving greater colour rendering, without ever losing sight of the design and making the spaces where you create professionals relations unique too. However, if on one hand it is a very important commercial goal to guarantee a vast choice and an extensive catalogue, on the other hand Ideal Lux also cultivates with meticulous care its relationship with customers. How does it do so? By guaranteeing the possibility of purchasing a design product, one that is always updated to the latest trends and that is, above all, accessible to everybody. Whether the preferred style is industrial, minimal, classic, contemporary, modern or eclectic…anyone who so wishes, can enter the Ideal Lux world. 036 Giving shape to light